Hospital Management System

Hospital Management System

Project Description


    BackBone Hospital Management System is a patient-centric application with over 25 modules that fit every functional dimension of the hospital. Being smart and enriched with advanced technologies, BackBone Hospital Management System is suitable for all hospitals irrespective of the bed size.

    Why Backbone?

    BackBone Hospital Management System is a classic product conceived by Doctors and architected by Software Professionals. Unlike any other set up, BackBone HIS derives its strength from the founders who also manage a world class super specialty hospital.

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    banner 10
    • Cloud & Mobile Ready
    • Available in Windows & Open Source Platform
    • HIPAA & HL7 Compliance
    • Meets NABH Standards
    • HIMSS compliant
    • Third Party Integrations
    • Role Based Application


    Functional Modules

    • Department based registration for hospitals
    • Unit based registration for medical colleges
    • OP registration – new & review visit
    • IP registration – direct IP & OP to IP conversion
    • Appointment conversions
    • Camp patient registration
    • Health card registration
    • Day care registration
    • Emergency registration & IP conversion
    • Patient type based registration
    • Pricelist concept for each patient type
    • Patient Block/Unblock
    • Country wise automatic validation of mobile number
    • MLC registration as part of OP Registration
    • Barcoded Outputs
    • Suitable for a standalone lab or an integrated lab
    • Uni and bi-directional equipment integration
    • Common/different specimen collection screens for OP & IP requests
    • Template based result entry
    • Automatic Alerts on abnormal results
    • Barcoded samples
    • Delta Check Value with Period definable in the master
    • eGFR Value for the Result
    • Doctor’s digital sign embedded final reports
    • Amendment of patient reports post final approval with mandatory remarks
    • Priority tagging for every requests while raising orders from ward or billing
    • Outsourcing of particular tests to external laboratory
    • Package creation & service inclusions
    • Approval system for IP test cancellations
    • Common dispatch screen for lab tests
    • Suitable for a standalone imaging centre or a radiology department
    • Template based result entry
    • Bar coding of requests
    • Doctor’s digital sign embedded final reports
    • Provision to add impression in the result entry
    • Priority tagging for every requests while raising orders from ward or billing
    • PACS integration
    • Provision for direct/approval system for IP test cancellations
    • Reports to view complete patient history and to search a result value
    • TAT report
    • Generates reports on film consumption
    • Generates reports on radiology inventory
    • Generates reports on department performance
    • Suitable for a standalone diagnostic centre or a cardiology department
    • Bar coding of requests
    • Template based result entry
    • File attach/download during result entry
    • Provision to add impression in the result entry
    • Priority tagging for every requests while raising orders from ward or billing
    • Provision for direct/approval system for IP test cancellations
    • Reports to view complete patient history and to search a result value
    • TAT report
    • Generates reports on cardiology inventory
    • Generates reports on department performance
    • Improve key performance factors that affect patient and staff satisfaction
    • Eliminate phone calls to determine patient status and bed availability
    • Improve Revenue by maximizing throughput and bed utilization
    • Automatically updates the availability of patient beds and extra beds
    • Generates Reports on Bed Downtime and Usage
    • Ward & order rights to each end user
    • Colour code indicators for different patient types
    • Raise orders to various departments from a single screen
    • Preferred list for drugs, services and order set
    • Supports MAR workflow
    • Shared bed/bed quota concepts
    • Direct/approval based patient transfers within the same ward or between different wards and departments
    • Doctor visit entry
    • Doctor/Nurse notes entry
    • Provision for patient returns (drugs/inventory items)
    • Birth, Death and Accident register entries and sent to corporation entries
    • Legal reporting in case of accident patients/MLC cases
    • Template based discharge summary creation
    • Provision to import test results, prescriptions, OT notes, tagged complaints and instructions at one click into discharge summary
    • Multiple store concept
    • Store & billing rights to users
    • Sound Alike & Look Alike drug definitions
    • Labelling and barcoding of items
    • HSN code per drug
    • Purchase orders
    • GRN – direct/against PO
    • Stock adjustments – direct/approval based
    • Replenishment level management
    • Stock transfers between stores
    • OP & IP patient issues
    • Automatic selection of batch with least expiry date
    • Alerts on expiry dates
    • Alternative drug issue
    • Barcode enabled sales bill with GST details
    • Token system for drug dispatch
    • Bill cancellation with remarks and approval
    • Returns – patient, supplier and store returns
    • Creation of diet items and diet package
    • Fixed menu creation against diet group name, weekdays and session
    • Item inclusions in created fixed menu
    • Ward wise auto posting of dietary items based on the pre-defined fixed menu in a single click
    • Provision to request diet for patient/attender from ward
    • Priority tagging while raising a diet request from ward
    • Separate complementary diet request screen for ward
    • Item issue or cancellation of dietary requests coming from ward
    • Direct billing option for patient/patient attender
    • Item cancellation request from ward
    • Diet item return option with return remarks captured
    • Barcode enabled label prints
    • Direct/approval based patient diet change
    • Handling diet counselling requests from ward
    • Amendment reports for the changed patient diets
    • Browser & device compatible
    • Available as a standalone mobile app
    • Can help the doctor’s desk go completely paperless
    • Prevention of data loss by digital storage of prescription
    • Integration with vital monitor from ICU and mobile devices
    • Integration with drug dictionaries
    • Integration with ICD standards to enter primary, secondary and surgical codes against patients
    • Appointment based virtual consultation of patients from EMR module
    • Preferred lists for patients, drugs, services & order sets
    • Patient dashboard to view complete patient related details in a single screen
    • Graphical representation of vital parameters for better monitoring of patient’s health trends
    • Template based note entry with user-wise or doctor-wise template rights assignment
    • Annotation area under notes for doctors who prefer free text area instead of template based notes system
    • Calendar view for doctors to keep a track of all pending/completed/all consultations day/week/month wise
    • Complete patient record print with provision for the doctors to choose & insert the fields required in the patient record print
    • File wise racking system
    • Barcode/RFID labelling for records
    • Classification of diseases based on international standards
    • Integration with ICD 10
    • Track Birth & Death Statistics
    • Patient file tracking to locate the file across the hospital
    • OP & IP file request & transfer entries with timestamp captured
    • Checklist based file submission to MRD from ward department
    • MRD scrap/Missing file entry
    • Assignment of detailed diagnosis and procedure codes
    • Special codes for files like MLC / Death / VIP etc.
    • EMR scanning, indexing, controlling, retrieval and viewing on integration with DMR system
    • Generates reports to analyse the disease classification in the hospital
    • Lama statistics report
    • Define Health Check-up Packages and choose applicable services
    • Comparison of packages before selection
    • Appointments & conversions to MHC packages
    • MHC new and review registration against package
    • Generation of unique MHC number
    • Barcoded outputs
    • Tagging of VIP patients
    • Vital sign entry during registration
    • Option to apply Pricelist based on the Patient Type
    • Pre-Defined Templates reducing keyboard operations.
    • Generates Reports to analyze health check-up programs.
    • Automatic redirection to billing screens once the registration is saved
    • Integration with billing, lab and diagnostic modules
    • Reports on package details, billed packages, patient orders status, etc.
    • Available in 2 different versions – percentage based & point based LPC
    • Percentage based LPC :-
      • Create different categories of LPC like Silver, Gold and Platinum with a pre-defined rate associated for each card.
      • LPC registration against the patient’s UHID or hospital number.
      • LPC card print, loyalty card registration bill and consent forms can be printed as outputs of LPC registration.
      • Primary card is issued to the owner post registration and the card will have its validity and discount pattern pre-defined.
      • Ad-on cards can be issued at any point of time provided the patient has a UHID
      • When the validity of primary card gets over, other add-on cards associated with this card also expires
      • Provision for renewal for primary/add-on cards on or before the primary card expiry date
      • Activation/Deactivation of cards
      • Duplicate card issue in case of card loss
      • Up-gradation/de-gradation of cards
    • Point based LPC :-
      • The bill value (in Rs.) and value per point conversion is pre-defined as per customer’s scope of work
      • For eg: if bill value set is Rs. 100, then for every bill amount of Rs.100, 1 LPC point will be accumulated against the patient’s LPC
      • Every LPC point will be converted as rupees and applied as the discount from the total bill value
      • Provision for patient type wise point value setting
      • When patient exceeds the limit pre-defined in masters, patient is notified through SMS about the up-gradation of current LPC scheme
      • Alerts to billing users if patient’s LPC account has points to be used
      • Provision to transfer LPC points from one patient account to another via OTP verification
      • Provision for renewal on or before the scheme expiry date
      • Activation/Deactivation of cards
      • Duplicate card issue in case of card loss
      • Up-gradation/de-gradation of cards
    • Grouping of surgeries in master level
    • Rate definition for extended duration of surgeries
    • Optional pre assessment clinic (PAC) transactions prior to theatre booking
    • Scheduling of surgeries – direct/on-request from ward
    • Approval for theatre requests
    • Stage wise checklists like pre-anaesthesia, post-anaesthesia, etc.,
    • Rescheduling or cancellation of surgeries on request & approval
    • Capture details of surgery along with file attachment option
    • RFID integration to auto post the theater IN and OUT timings of the patients, equipment, etc.
    • Interfacing with various modalities used in OT i.e. monitor, scopes, etc.
    • Recording of material, pharmacy and inventory items issued to the patients
    • OT clearance – financial, medical, etc.
    • Surgeon/Doctors fees interfaced to account payments
    • Improves revenue by maximizing throughput and theater utilization.
    • Surgery type
    • Store creation and multi-store management
    • User wise store rights & department rights
    • Master screen to tag canteen suppliers and their details
    • Provision to tag GST type for every supplier in supplier entry screen
    • Provision to fix department wise credit limit to handle department issues
    • Billing based on stock for stockable items and based on prepared quantities for non stockable items like tea, coffee, etc.
    • GRN entries to add stock to the system
    • Provision to capture free quantity while keeping a GRN
    • Item wise goods return to suppliers with the return remarks and returned by user captured
    • Provision to set daily targets (UOM) for non-stockable items and daily preparation entries as and when prepared
    • Approval based stock adjustments with remarks captured
    • Separate billing tabs for general billing and employee billing
    • No credit option for general billing and outstanding concept for employee billing
    • Provision for various payment modes
    • Provisions for free bills, cash bills and complete outstanding for employees/doctors in employee billing tab
    • Provision for deductions like canteen charges for employee outstanding
    • KOT number generation in canteen bills with token prints
    • Package billing option
    • Source wise outstanding settlement between the selected time range
    • Stock transfers between two stores
    • Collection, classification and storage of blood
    • Optional donor pre-registration process
    • Auto-conversion of pre-registration to donor registration if the screening tests get approved
    • More than one blood/component name can be added while making a donor registration
    • Unique donor number generation
    • Screening test result entry post donor registration
    • Auto stock update once the screening test is approved
    • Barcode enabled label prints for blood bags
    • Provision to perform donor repeat registration using the existing donor number
    • Provision for blood conversion
    • Blood requests from ward/OT/other departments as per department rights
    • Provision to view and receive the requests raised from other departments
    • Cross matching process with the available stock before issuing the blood to patients
    • Direct or approval based blood return process with mandated remarks
    • Auto stock update once return request is approved by blood bank
    • Expiry date alerts for stocks
    • Provision to discard stocks with suitable remarks
    • Option for automatic stock discard for stocks below the critical limit that is pre-defined
    • Blood transfusion process on approval for internal/external issue
    • Analyser Interfacing
    • Certificate printing & thank you letter

    Administrative Modules

    • Centralized OP and IP billing
    • Pricelist definition for all services and procedures
    • Pre-defined header wise concessions based on patient types
    • Allotment of billing rights to the end user
    • 3 simultaneous billing tabs to reduce patient waiting time
    • Bar codes in all billing transactions
    • OP Billing restricted when patient is admitted as in-patient
    • Capture & utilization of deposits against bill types
    • Request & approval mechanism in most of the billing transactions
    • Manual concessions and outstanding entries in billing screen
    • Free bill option
    • Supports payment by Cash/Cheque/Credit/Debit Cards/NEFT/Card Integration
    • Partial payment options through more than 1 payment mode
    • Smart card option
    • Credit limit for admitted IP patients
    • Various bill formats like summary, cumulative, splits up and meds/invent bill in Bill Enquiry screen
    • Package billing
    • Auto refund of deposits (if any) during the final receipt generation
    • Aging analysis on due invoices
    • Cashless authorization desk
    • Extensive built-in reports and user oriented report writing capabilities
    • Unique pricelist creation for every corporate/TPA/government schemes
    • Provision to include/exclude services in each pricelist
    • Separate validation desk for corporate patients to avoid patient crowd at registration counters
    • Create & manage multiple pricelists per patient
    • Alternative service code & name tagging for TPA pricelists
    • Separate claim entry screens for OP and IP patients
    • Template based software generated reminder letters on the patient credits
    • IP pre authorization request against patient’s UHID
    • IP pre authorization approval by the insurance officer for further enhancements
    • Enhancement request when pre- authorization amount is not sufficient, until the patient reaches the claim credit limit
    • Auto post of all the documents for which the patient have undergone services like Radiology/Cardiology/Lab
    • Cancellation of raised authorization requests
    • Facilitates queries to the TPA and vice versa
    • Multilevel reports
    • Assign doctor wise guaranteed amount and incentive type (%/Rs)
    • Creation and tagging of deductions applicable to doctors
    • Capturing doctor’s bank details and PAN number
    • Enable/disable TDS for doctor’s pay
    • Header wise, service wise, bill type wise and bed type wise incentive (%/Rs) definition for every doctor
    • Doctor fee accounting based on the ordering & performing doctor
    • Payment period creation for salary posting
    • Doctor collection adjustment with approval screens
    • Detailed reports on doctor wise revenue generated
    • Multiple store concept
    • Store & billing rights to users
    • Seamless stock transfers between stores
    • Creation & management of supplier wise contracts
    • Purchase orders against indents and contracts
    • Replenishment level (ROL) based stock management
    • Supplier wise listing of items which are under ROL & provision to raise PO for all the items at one go
    • GRN – direct/against PO
    • Stock adjustments – direct/approval based
    • Hazardous materials designations and disposal codes
    • Tracking of issues to patients and hospital staff
    • Approval based breakage entry
    • Monitoring of chargeable equipment use
    • Provision for PO edit, approval and rejection
    • Temporary GRN and Purchase DC creation and conversion to GRN
    • Auto stock update post GRN entry
    • Provision for patient/department/supplier returns with remarks & approval
    • Consignment item management
    • Gate pass entries for external repairs of any items
    • Alerts for items in stock-out positions
    • Provision to maintain items at zero stock level
    • Creation of packs based on ICP codes/surgeries
    • Provision for single/multiple item preparation
    • Pre-define equipment used for preparation & sterilization along with the operating temperature, pressure and other details
    • Capture equipment used for the item prepared
    • Direct & approval based sterilization process
    • Management of CSSD and Sterile store in the control settings
    • Once sterilized, stock gets added in Sterile store and is ready for patient/department issues
    • Separation of sterilizing and patient issues
    • Autoclaving
    • Pack wise & item wise return request from issuing departments
    • Only the items categorized as “Reusable” can be reprocessed and added to the stock
    • Reprocessing of reusable items
    • Integration with ward, OT, billing, inventory and asset modules
    • Exchange, assembly and breakdown of sets
    • Maintenance of sets
    • Tracking of issues, returns and status of every item prepared
    • Condemnation of materials
    • Capture, track & manage all types of physical assets & components
    • Barcoded assets with unique asset ID
    • Sub asset inclusion while asset creation
    • Allocate custodian for each asset while master creation
    • Differentiate fixed/movable assets
    • Block asset transfer requests for fixed assets
    • Single and multiple AMC entries against a service provider
    • Schedule Preventive Maintenance (PM) on weekly/monthly/quarterly/yearly basis with suitable notations
    • Reminders on PM through SMS or mail or active notification
    • Direct preventive maintenance entry without prior scheduling
    • Direct/Request and approval based asset transfers from one location to other location
    • Handle asset failure requests from departments
    • Problem identification entries by asset users
    • Automatic gate pass generation for external services
    • Two-way gate pass approvals
    • Failure request closure entry with replaced parts and its cost captured
    • Insurance claim entries
    • Condemnation or resale entries
    • Provides alerts on insurance payments and maintenance
    • Apportion cost accurately to cost centres and departments
    • Reports on AMC entries, Asset transfers, Preventive maintenance and condemned assets
    • Register employees by capturing personal, statutory & identity details along with tagging employment type like contract period, etc.,
    • Allows for Multi-level leave approval and authorization.
    • Creation, modification and deletion of duty roster entries by department heads
    • Import previously added duty roster for the employee’s current duty roster entry
    • Scheduling and maintaining training related activities
    • Provision to allot marks before and after the training
    • Master data entry for shifts, leaves, allowances, deductions, etc.
    • Salary class concept to create classes by assigning percentage for each of the created allowances
    • Contract salary or monthly salary provisions
    • Negative salary carry over
    • Create & assign various to the employees
    • Leave application either by individual employee login ID or by the HR
    • Provision for applying permission, on-duty and compensatory leaves
    • Leave/permission approval screens for department HOD’s and the HR
    • Control panel settings to define maximum and minimum eligible permission hours per day, leave restrictions at a stretch, etc.
    • Biometric Integration for auto posting of attendance
    • Provision for day/month wise manual attendance entry
    • Vaccination and annual health check-up entry
    • Salary generation – employee wise, branch wise, department wise, employee type wise, wage category wise, etc.
    • Provision to hold and remove the salary
    • Designation based organization chart
    • Creation of physiotherapy services category wise
    • Schedule physiotherapy services
    • Integration with billing, ward, EMR and asset modules
    • Handle requests from ward and OP billing department
    • Separate completion entry screens for OP and IP patients
    • Request and approval based cancellation of IP requests
    • Auto posting of pre-defined services on pre-defined time period for IP patients
    • Report to view status of all (completed/pending) patient requests

    “DMR” or Digital Medical Record aims to compile all the patient records in a digital format that can be accessed digitally by the doctors, end users and the patients themselves. The patient records are scanned and digitally uploaded in the MRD module against the patient’s UHID. This indexing helps the doctors in fetching the uploaded records from the EMR module. By giving suitable access, the patients can also access these records from an interface like Patient Portal.
    Few of the features are listed below:-

    • Storage of Patient Records against the Patient’s UHID
    • Ease of Accessibility, Maintenance and Digital Sharing of Patient Data
    • High Data Security and Enhanced Backup
    • Tagging of DMR with EMR Module
    • Accessibility of Digital Data by the Doctors from the EMR Module
    • Accessibility of Digital Data by the Patients from the Patient Portal
    • Can be Integrated with the Scanning Software
    • Automatic Identification and Indexing of Documents using Barcode Recognition
    • Collaborate statistical reports across all departments into a single role for executive staffs to monitor
    • Statistics on OP, IP, day care & emergency patients
    • Monitor occupancy ratios
    • Performance analysis of various departments in the hospital
    • Operation theatre wise performance tracking
    • Monitor sales & profits across all stores
    • Track high consumption departments
    • Monitor ranking
    • Statistics of surgery, discharges, birth and death.
    • Statistics on lab, radiology, cardiology, and pharmacy.
    • Generate reports on employee and doctor performance.
    • Monitor income generated
    • Centralized OP and IP billing.
    • Summary bill during stay and at discharge.
    • Define pricelists for all services and procedures.
    • Provides management of Insurance payments and patient debt.
    • Physician fee Accounting.
    • Export Option of Reports in various file formats.
    • Generate reports about concessions and outstanding collections.
    • Detailed information on Deposits.
    • Comprehensive General Accounting with GL, AP, AR.
    • Creates a Trial Balance for the institution.
    • Track Profit & Loss Account.
    • Monitor the Balance Sheet.
    • Understand the use of funds in your institution.
    • Monitor the use of Capital and Equipment.
    • Tally Integration
    • ERP/SAP Integration
    • Uni-Directional & Bi-Directional Lab Equipment
    • RIS/PACS Integration
    • Mobile App Integration
    • Drug Database/CIMS /SNOMED Integration
    • ICD-11 Integration
    • SMS Integration
    • RFID Integration
    • Integration with 3rd Party Voice Recognition