Aosta understands that in order to retain or grow market share, efficiencies, burst capacity and cost containment needs to be part of a long term strategy. An alternative is to have a service provider network for a variety of tasks, all of which require the company and individuals with the training to deliver work with a high degree of accuracy within specified turnaround times.
- Provide an engine (Aosta InsurServ) in which an applicant can get a life insurance quote(s) ‘automatically” without having an underwriter “physically” respond.
- Summarization of physician medical records to assist Aosta InsurServ in its clients’ underwriting activities.
- Complete Underwriting for policies.
- Underwriting Guideline and Portfolio Review.
- Abstraction of Relevant Disability Claim Information
- Medical Summarization of physician medical records for Legal Review
- Accurate “recoding” of ICD 9 to ICD 10 and new ICD 10 coding of documents received from physicians and medical facilities.
- Claims Processing
- Evaluation of high risk patient records by a licensed physician attesting that the symptoms noted in the records are indicative of a patient with a diagnosed condition.
- EKG Interpretations
- Translation of medical documentation from local languages into English which will then be utilized in the summarization activities noted above.
- Complete Policy and Agent Servicing.
- Staff Augmentation.
- White Labeling or Rebranding Staff.