Health Facility Management: Blog

Healthcare Enterprise Apps in Cloud Aosta Software’s Initiatives

With better communication technologies and outreach, healthcare IT is scaling up at a very fast pace in India. Especially with Governments initiative on digital health, we have been able to see a lot of momentum in the Healthcare Industry in the past few years. Organization is being tested like never before, though the after-effects of Covid-19 is still unfolding...

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Healthy relationship between physician/nurse and patient is what every patient would look forward to. An effective patient monitoring system is needed for this to happen. Patient monitoring is hence gaining traction and the proliferating technology trends have made it easier. Scenario Today, most of the doctors are IT savvy and are demanding to have a user friendly system. Not...

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Better Hunt for a Better HIMS!

Today’s healthcare is an important part of our society. For a healthcare provider, to offer their services in an effective and efficient manner is very challenging. Even in a single specialty hospital/clinic, lots of patients keep rolling every day and it’s really difficult to maintain records of all patients manually. Given the complex business scenario today, a Hospital...

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The health card system has overcome the problem of registering a patient on his/her every visit to the hospital. It serves as an efficient tool over all the counters of a hospital to ease the work of the end users and hence to reduce the patient waiting time. Another advanced terminology that is getting popular in recent times is the "Smart Card"...

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Aosta's Cutting Edge Medical Records Management in Healthcare IT

2 Powerful Benefits of Digital Medical Records Management

In the early years of computer use, hospitals focused on creating robust Medical Records Management systems to comply with government mandates and manage patient data efficiently. While effective, the sheer volume of paper posed significant challenges, making maintenance a daunting task. Table of Contents Toggle Medical Records Management: Challenges and SolutionsThe Role of Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) in Modern HospitalsEnhancing Efficiency with...

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